Your path to meaningful change.

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At Lantern Behavioral Health, your path to meaningful change begins with a clear view of where you stand, and where you’re going.

We all face challenges that can cloud our vision of what “better” means to us, and that can make the path of moving forwards a difficult one to navigate. At Lantern Behavioral Health, we are here for you as you take that first step, and through all the steps that follow.

Dr. Shimrit Black, a licensed clinical psychologist, works with you to understand your current circumstances, frame your challenges and goals, and make progress toward a state of greater fulfillment, wholeness, and overall wellness – whatever that means in the context of your life.

Lighting the way through evidence-based care models

Drawing from proven clinical methods and scientifically validated research, Dr. Shimrit Black employs interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Integrated Behavioral Couples Therapy to reliably help Lantern Behavioral Health clients get to where they want to go.

Read more about the psychological care models we use at Lantern.

“Dr. Black is a rare clinical talent who effortlessly combines warmth and compassion with scientific knowledge and skill.”

– Kristin Huang, Ed.D., Psychologist

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Who we help, and how

Lantern Behavioral Health provides fully remote psychotherapy services to individuals and couples in Massachusetts via video-based telehealth, and consults with organizations regarding employee mental health, mindfulness, and wellness.

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For Individuals

Whether you’re managing a mental health condition, or you’re simply feeling distressed, dissatisfied, or “stuck” and would like to reach a more fulfilling place in your life, we can help.

For Couples

If you and your partner have a desire to affirm, repair, or advance your relationship, we provide Couples Therapy that considers your individual needs as well as your dynamic as a couple.

For Organizations

Recently, COVID, racial trauma, and new challenges of remote work have placed tremendous stress on employers and employees. Start here if you’re seeking solutions to help improve your team’s mental health, self-awareness, and morale.

Who’s behind Lantern?


Dr. Shimrit Black

Dr. Black founded Lantern Behavioral Health to bring accessible, transparent, personalized therapy to individuals and couples looking to change their lives and to support organizations in engaging their employees in self-reflection and mental wellness.

The first step is often the hardest.

If you want to make a change in your life, help is here. We provide a judgement-free space for you to define what “better” means for you and support you in getting there.